Saturday, June 09, 2012

Dear Blog, I Have Forsaken Thee

Dear Beloved Blog,

I never meant to desert you.  You deserve much, much more attention than I have been giving you.  I have no one to blame but myself and my fickle desire to tweet, tumble, and 'gram it up.  I was clear with you from the get-go about my ongoing relationship with Facebook...the others just sort of happened.  I can't explain it.  I'll understand if you never want to see me again...and I deserve it.     Love, Me

But seriously, damned smart phone and the tablet are really to blame.  With them, I can tweet to my heart's content, post photos that normally would have ended up here, along with a really kick-ass story to go along with them, and follow the posts and ramblings of my bloggy friends...but I can only do so much without a keyboard.  This is the first time I have touched the keyboard on the PC since January.  Hard to believe!  But this morning, school is out and I found myself with a cup of coffee in my hand and an empty, quiet house, so I thought I'd take advantage of it.  I do have good intentions, really I do.  And I hope, sincerely, to get back on the "horse."  I will schedule it.  I will.  As I flipped through my Picasa album, it just brought home how important it is to me to actually write about the things as they happen.  The other media are great, for what they are...but they can't do justice to the events in our life, and that's always been what this blog was that the little guy can remember and understand things in his lifetime.

That said, and as summer begins, here are the major things happening around Ye Olde Home Place...

My beautiful sister is engaged and getting hitched in less than a month.  THAT should be quite a post.

 The little guy just finished 1st grade.  And while he's not always this pensive, he does do some quite heavy thinking for a kid his age.  His "Andrewisms" have become more philosophical...still funny, but often very thoughtful.
 I have a halfway-finished (wait, do I even need to say that? everything around here is half-finished...) bathroom remodel underway.  Here's the nice stuff.  If you look closely, you can still see the hot pink paint on the trim behind the sink.  I hope to finish the room this summer, but I am highly distractible and have already moved on to other ideas that won't get finished.  Until then, I love my sink.
My school stress is over, for the time-being.  On a particularly stressful day in May, I murdered my "Got Stress" happy face stress ball.  The kids behaved rather well after that.  I include this just because it makes me laugh.

Here's the next project that will cause me to forsake the bathroom:


I'm going to convert an old dresser of my grandmother's into some mish-mash combination of the three you see above.  I'm inspired!  I'm also broke, so I'm about to see how cheaply I can make the transformation.  If this happens before summer is over, you should be very, very impressed.  I will be!

For now, though, I'm going to see if I can get my Instagram and Tumblr onto the blog...that way, if it's six months before I post again, I won't feel quite so guilty. 

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