Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Six-Pack

I know, it's three months later.  I suck.  I need a laptop.  This rusty old desktop is locked away in our "office"  upstairs, and it's like being sent to Siberia in this house.  I never want to come up here, the computer is never on, and it's just a hassle.  If I could blog from the comfort of the couch and the living room, I'd be tearing it up.

But, we're home on a Saturday, which doesn't happen very often...I have a cup of coffee with French Vanilla creamer by my side, and I can smell the bacon cooking downstairs.  Feels like bloggy time.  Stop...bloggy time, nuuuuh nuh nuh nuh...

The Saturday Six-Pack was always intended to be a review of the week, and even though three months have passed, that's what I'm going to stick with.  I couldn't remember much past last week, anyway, so we're better off that way.

1.  It's football season.  Fall.  I love fall, I really do...but it's bittersweet.  I love the lack of humidity and the fact that my hair doesn't frizz immediately.  I love the temperatures.  I love fall candles, flavors, and colors.  I don't love football.  I want to, and I try to, but I don't.  I like the idea of it just fine...but I'll stick with the hoops.  Tailgating, on the other hand, is good fun.  So much so, that I've suggested we just tailgate right through the game.  Who needs to be in the stadium?  Not this girl.  Last Saturday was our first football game of the season, at JMU, of course.  And we tailgated right through a monsoon with heavy wind and rain warnings.  The hubby and the kid sheltered themselves in the car through the worst of it, while the rest of us just hunkered down under the lowered shelters, which we clung fiercely to to keep them from blowing away.  And we were rewarded afterward with some of the most beautiful skies I have ever seen anywhere.  Even the sky started wearing purple! 
Singin' in the rain...I'm singin' in the rain...
Cheesy tailgating with the sister.
Hiding from the storm.

Marching Royal Dukes...2nd best thing about football games.  How I LOVE a drum line!

Double rainbow...good luck for the Dukes!
 "Start wearing purple for me, nowwwwwwww."  Breathtaking.

 Last, but not is good for the return of the sausage dip...oh my, the cheesy goodness.

2.  If you follow the Twitter updates in the feed to the right (------->), you know that we lost one of our kitties to kidney failure several weeks ago.  It was just a few weeks before the kid's birthday, and we knew that we would eventually bring another girl into the house when the timing was right.  A friend's cat had kittens, and we planned to go pick one out when they were ready, but fate intervened.  A feral cat at the lake had a litter of three, and this one told us she wanted to come home with us.  It was meant to be...she's grey tabby, like our Karma was, and unlike all the others, who were skittish and wild, this one leapt right into Andrew's arms and stayed there.  She is a fluffy little roly-poly who has suddenly found her confidence and her wildness...she bites feet, chases skirts, harrasses the old cat, and even wiggles her way into the bowels of the couch by squeezing through cushions and through cracks.  Yes, to the point that I had to cut the base of the couch to get her out.  But, she's cute, and named after one of our favorite OBX haunts, Goombay's.  Andrew chose the name from a plastic souvenir cup he was using at the time.  Welcome, Goombay.  Now, get off my feet.
 3.  Andrew's been sick this week.  It's early in the year for it, but if he follows his pattern, this is really the only time he'll be sick all year.  He and I have both set personal absentee records...I missed a day for myself because of flu last week, then stayed home with him another day and a half (he tried to go to school and didn't make it) while he dealt with his bronchitis.  He's a trooper and a ham, though, and took the exam table as an opportunity to play dead. 
 4.  School is in full swing, and has its challenges, as it does every year.  We're all having growing pains as we are faced with a new administration and new changes to teacher evaluations.  But we're managing, and it's a good year.  I chaperoned our first Fun Night of the year last night and really enjoyed it...had some great conversations with last year's kids, did some more bonding with this year's group, had some cool conversations with other adults, and even danced a little with the new principal...gotta love the Cupid Shuffle.  I think it's going to be a good year.  I'm excited about new things I'm trying in the classroom, I'm really trying hard to stay organized, and I'm optimistic.  Wait, who am I?

5.  We got our JMU basketball season tickets this week, and I'm really excited...not for cold weather and snow and ice, but for HOOPS, baby!  The team has a lot of fresh faces, the returning players seem fired up, and I can't wait! 

6.  My new personal luxury is actually paying to have my hair done.  I have a long, storied history of getting the cheapest haircuts I could at the family barber shop, or of cutting my own hair in the bathroom in the middle of the night...but no more.  I have a salon that I love, a stylist that rocks, (who also happens to be a favorite former student) and it just feels great to get it done.  It's pampering, which I'm not used to...but I could easily adjust.  Maybe I should have had a male stylist all along!
My coffee cup is empty, there's laundry to be done, and later, football to watch and beers to drink.  (Go Dukes!)  I really love Saturdays. 

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