Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random Photos

Andrew's 1st "all by himself" haircut. He announced before we got to the barber shop that he was going to do it all by himself, and he did. Thanks to Geneva at Family Barber & Beauty Shop in Staunton for doing such an awesome job, and for letting him hold the big brush to get stray hairs off of his face.
Daddy has been waiting for this day for 3 and a half years. Check out that stance! After a few days of batting practice, we added running the bases and outs to the game.
Andrew and his "best friend" enjoying some sun on the sidewalk at Aunt Leigh Ann's house on Mothers' Day.

On Confusion and Covid Tests

Photo credit: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/ 20200323/new-test-will-give -covid-19-results-in-45-minutes Turns out "confusion&q...