Friday, November 07, 2008

Flashback Friday & More

We've neglected our Flashback Friday theme day recently. It's partially to do with the fact that during the summer, I had time to dig through old photos, scan them, edit them, etc., and these days, I'm lucky to even realize it's Friday. The other part of it was that I got kind of sad looking through old pics--the reminiscing that was supposed to be fun ended up depressing me or making me mourn for people who aren't around anymore. I do melancholy well enough on my own, without a traumatic trip through time each week. Anyway, a dear neighbor of ours gave me some pictures on Halloween night, and I immediately thought of the Flashback.I don't know if it's technically possibly to Flashback to something I didn't even witness, but I'm doing it anyway. I don't know what the occasion was for this little picnic--although what excuse does one need for an al fresco dining experience? Good weather, good wine, good food, and good friends--all of which are present in these pictures. My grandmother is the older lady in glasses and my grandfather is the roly-poly man in the brown shirt. I've mentioned that we live in Granny and Grandpop's house, right? This picnic is in the neighbor's yard, which still looks very much the same. I managed to get sad looking at these, too--see the dog staring longingly at my grandparents? That's PeeWee, Grandpop's chihuahua, whom I had almost forgotten about until seeing this picture. PeeWee disappeared mysteriously one night when I was about 11 years old, and broke my grandfather's heart. Anyway, I like these pictures. It looks like a very pleasant afternoon.
In other news of the non-flashbacky variety, lest you think that the election passed me by without recognition, WOOHOO! We were ecstatic, to say the least, and stayed up all the way until the end of President-elect Obama's speech. I was moved to tears repeatedly, both from joy and from the overwhelming feeling of witnessing such a monumental historical event.

I would have blogged about election night earlier, but the little guy's been sick with some nasty stomach virus for the last few days. We stayed home together Thursday, with Andrew alternating between not eating anything at all and puking up whatever he tried to eat in momentary surges of appetite. Today he was better, though, and we all went back to work. Tonight we tried to go out to dinner with our friends, one of whom had just gotten a clean bill of health after a cancer scare, but just after the appetizers arrived, Andrew said he had to "gag," so we high-tailed it to the restroom. Well, he didn't make it, and ending up tossing his orange juice in the hallway to the bathroom (thankfully he made it out of the dining room--this is one of our favorite restaurants). So, we're home--he ate nothing, but drank some apple juice that we're hoping stays down, and he fell asleep in about 15 seconds flat. Any mom would say that they'd much rather be sick than have their little one be, and it's true--I'd take the nausea for him in a hearbeat. It's just so pitiful to hear him say, "I'm not feeling very well," with the most pathetic look on his face he can muster. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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