Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wednesday Whatevers

It is cold and rainy outside, and it's depressing because we had a taste of spring dangled in front of us cruelly, only to be thrown back into this yuck.  I wish I had a dollar for every Flood Watch text message I've gotten from the Weather Channel.  The basement is probably full of water (I'm not looking, because then I need to care about it), the yard is a swamp, and it's still supposed to rain like crazy tonight.  And according to some people, "we need the rain."  For what, to float my ark in? 

This is hell week for me at school.  Our drama production is this Friday night, the school assembly is tomorrow afternoon, and we've had marathon rehearsals every day this week.  I even made the kids come in on Monday, which was their day off, and rehearse from 12 to 4 because I was panicking about their state of readiness.  I'm a little calmer now, but they're still flubbing lines too much for my comfort, and if the entire audience can hear them, it will be a small miracle.  Add to that the fact that the grading period ended today and grades are due Friday AND I'm trying to trying to take a graduate class in my "spare" time, and it's no wonder that I'm mixing Bloody Marys on school nights.  There just isn't enough Calgon in the world.

Our basketball season is probably over, just as March Madness is really gearing up.  The hubby and I went on a road trip last Friday to the CAA Tournament in Richmond, to see our beloved Dukes take on William and Mary.  I was so confident they were going to win that I was making plans to attend the second round the next day, and speculating about getting to the semi-finals.  But, it wasn't to be, for whatever reason...too many BS fouls called against us, our "star" appearing to be hobbled, a technical foul called on the coach, again for BS reasons...anyway, JMU lost by five to a team they should have easily beaten.  And I'm still bitter, although not as much as I was.  I continued to watch the tournament on t.v., rooting against our rivals as much as I could.  I've watched college basketball every night this week, which is terribly unlike me--my M.O. is to completely ignore all basketball other than the Dukes, then fill out a bracket blindly in March.  Now, at least I'll be making sort of educated guesses.  And I'm patiently waiting until the weekend when we should hear about the possibility of post-season tournaments for losers.  But I had fun on the trip, and we'll probably go again next year.

The view from our final seats--after sneaking down from our real seats in the upper level.

The JMU Pep Band

The tournament last weekend was held in the Richmond Coliseum, the site of many, many concert experiences for me in my youth.  Some of the best shows I ever saw were held there--INXS, Motley Crue, and a bunch more that I can't remember right now because I might have been slightly intoxicated for most of them.  Oh yeah, AC/DC!  I remember now!  I might just have to dig out my ticket stubs and talk a walk down memory lane sometime...but anyway, the arena that used to just awe me back then is now a broken down relic of a day gone by.  The concrete steps are chipped, the paint on the railings shows layers and layers underneath, and the concourse looks small and dingy.  The armrests don't move, the seats are uncomfortable, and I swear I had a flashback when I actually looked into the arena from the concourse.   
We also celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday last week.  We read his books every night, and discovered that Andrew can read just about anything he picks up.  After the Dr. Seuss books, he moved on to some Star Wars books on a midway through 2nd grade level, so I'm pretty impressed.  But back to Dr. Seuss--we honored him with a breakfast-for-dinner night of green eggs and ham (and swirly pancakes in every color imaginable).  Yum.  I could eat some right now!

The hubby has fallen asleep on Andrew's bed and is snoring.  Everyone's asleep but me right now, and I could easily be, except for this post I must finish, the laundry that needs to go into the dryer, the dishes that still need to be finished, and the lunches that need to be packed.  And, oh yeah, I think there's basketball on!

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